Wormout For Dogs 10kg

Item number: __70588

Worms are active all year round and can have a serious impact on the health of our pets. The good news is that they can be treated and often prevented.

Wormout Tablets are a safe and effective control of internal parasites including Roundworm, Hookworm, Tapeworm and Whipworm. Wormout Tablets are a simple 3 monthly treatment to protect your pets and your family from internal parasites.

*** Not for sale in Australia.***

Wormout for Dogs was formulated by veterinarians to treat and prevent intestinal parasites in dogs. It is a quick and safe 3 monthly treatment with a broad spectrum of activity.

This treatment will protect your pets and your family from intestinal parasites.

Does not control Heartworm in dogs.

Dosage And Administration:

Give one Wormout tablet per 10kg (22 lb) body weight orally or crushed in food. Repeat once every

3 months or under Veterinary direction.

Pregnant bitches: treat at mating, before whelping and then every 3 months.

If worm problems persist, consult a Veterinarian.

Hydatid Tapeworm control: Dogs should not be fed, or allowed to feed on, offal from any species. Dogs in hydatid areas should be treated every 6 weeks.


Store below 30?C (room temperature)


3 years from the date of manufacture

per tablet:

225mg Oxibendazole,

50mg Praziquantel.


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